Jubilee Celebrations

We have all had a lovely day in class today celebrating the Queen’s Diamond Julibee.

We have made crowns, fit for the Queen to wear herself. We have had a delicious, but windy picnic on the field, we have taken part in quizzes about the Queen and have learnt about her life.

We were also extremely lucky to be given a coin from the parish council to celebrate and remember the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.

Our Final Products!

Year One loved following their design briefs to create their final fruit salad products last week! This week we will be evaluating our salads and reflecting on what went well and what we could improve for next time. It has been wonderful to hear children telling us that they now like fruit they never thought they would!

Perfecting our Computing Skills

In Year One this term we have been focussing on Internet Safety and how to use drawing programs to create both vector and free line drawings! We have been learning about how the different tools in the program ‘Paint’ can be used and then used these to create our own insect pictures with both the shape and paint brush tools. We have also been discussing the benefits of drawing using software vs our own tools and hands and vice versa.

Fruit Salads!

In Design and Technology this term we have been exploring healthy eating with the aim to make our own fruit salad snack! To do this we have been sampling different fruits, creating design briefs and designing our own fruit salads ready to make next week. We have also been exploring the origin of different fruit and why they are grown at different times of the year.

Science – On the hunt!

This term in Year One we have been learning all about invertebrates! We have been learning about how to identify and classify them by looking closely at the sub group of invertebrates known as insects. We have been learning about how to distinguish insects from other invertebrates and look at the different parts of their bodies on an exciting Bug Hunt this afternoon! We found so many different types of invertebrates and insects and enjoyed using our insect identification sheet to name them. We even discovered that snails and spiders have exoskeletons!